Teacher Development Series
The Graduate Life Office and the Center for Innovation in Teaching and Learning offer a series of workshops in the Teacher Development Program. It is a free, non-credit series specifically for graduate students to develop classroom and instructional skills, held each Fall and Spring Semester. Limited space is available to postdocs to attend.
Postdoc Writing Group
Are you working on a manuscript, grant proposal, or other writing project? Join our weekly Postdoc Writing Group, a supportive and productive space to help you achieve your writing goals.
CIMER Mentoring Training
The Center for the Improvement of Mentored Experiences in Research is a nationally recognized evidence-based mentorship training program aimed at enhancing the quality and effectiveness of mentorship in research settings and fostering a supportive, productive, and inclusive research environment. Mentorship courses are offered each semester by Lehigh's CIMER trained facilitators.
Read NYT, WSJ, WaPo & More
Lehigh Libraries provides online access to The New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, the Washington Post, and many other regional, national, and global news and information sources. Full-text of these publications may be available directly via their web sites, through mobile apps, and/or through our library databases.
Professional Organizations
Lehigh has institutional memberships to NPA and NCFDD. Register for your free account to access these incredible resources and opportunities.
CCPD: Center for Career & Professional Development
CCPD provides career education and connections to support student success, but also partners with our office to support postdoctoral fellows with resources including online tools, workshops and more.
Center for Innovation & Learning
CITL offers workshops, presentations, training sessions, and facilitated discussions throughout the academic year to support faculty, staff, and students in their teaching and learning.
Internal Proposal Library
We are pleased to announce a new proposal repository for Lehigh faculty and postdocs, which includes a selection of NIH, NSF, training and internal grant proposals. For those new to grant writing, reading successful proposals provides helpful guidance in the learning process.
CE@L: Career Enrichment at Lehigh
Career Enrichment at Lehigh (CE@L) features specialized tracks of courses and individualized learning plans suited to where you are now or where you want to go. Gain new insights and skills. Focus on trends in higher education, personal growth, and more. Take your career to a new height or a totally new direction.
Pivot RP Grant Opportunities Database
The Pivot-RP database covers all major funding sources for research grants, fellowships, and award. A free Pivot account is available for all postdocs - visit this resource page to set up your account and start exploring today.
HR BEST Program
As exempt staff, postdocs are eligible to utilize this generous benefit. The Build and Enhance Skills through Training (BEST) program supports the costs associated with enrolling in noncredit educational programs. Courses must be job-related, and your supervisor must approve the expenditure and time away from work. Examples include project management; advanced Excel techniques; website design.