Want to know what postdoc events are coming up? Subscribe to the Postdoc google calendar for a month by month look at activities for the postdoc community.
Faculty Job Search Workshop

Aug 8 & 9, 2024 | 9:00 - 2:00
Join us for a 2-day workshop to kickstart your job search. Through presentations, discussion, and hands-on activities, we'll guide you through each step of the application process. Breakfast & lunch included. Registration required by July 31; space is limited.
Day 1: Understanding the Job Market
- Job cycles and starting your search
- Identifying opportunities & effective search strategies
- Evaluating job descriptions
- Preparing your academic job packet: cover letter and CV
Day 2: Developing Core Application Documents
- Developing your teaching statement & portfolio
- Preparing a diversity statement
- Writing a strong research statement
Postdoc Spring Lunch Social!

Tue May 14, 12:00 - 1:30
Join us for the Postdoc Spring Lunch Social to celebrate the end of the semester and start of summer. We'll meet outside on the lawn between Alumni Memorial and Packer Lab (corner of Brodhead and Packer Ave). This is a great opportunity to recharge and enjoy good food and company. Bring a frisbee, a picnic blanket if you like! Can't say the whole time? Just drop in, say hello, and take something to go. Veggie options will be available.
RSVP by May 6 via the Google Calendar invite that was sent to you. Lost the invite? Email Jenny at jcc410@lehigh.edu to reset it.
Lunch & Learn #4: The Value of an Entrepreneurial Mindset for Scientists

Tue Mar 19, 12 - 1:30, HST 211
Join the Vice Provost for Entrepreneurship & Baker Institute Directors to learn about opportunities at Lehigh and how they can make you more successful in your career journey. Register here >
Beyond the Tenure Track: University Administration

Thu Feb 29, 4:15 - 5:15, HST L185
In this session, Higher education administrators with academic doctorates will share their experiences and advice on seeking careers in higher education. Join us on Thursday, February 29th from 4:15 - 5:15 pm in HST L185. Sponsored by the Graduate Life Office and the Center for Career and Professional Development. Refreshments will be served. Please RSVP here to reserve your spot.
Speaking Up to Bias

Thu Feb 29, 12 -3:30, HST 3rd Floor
Join us for an engaging interactive session to dive deeper into speaking up to every day bias moments which faculty encounter.
Speaking Up workshops are based on the science of witnessing and responding to bias. Experienced and expert co-facilitators foster understanding of how perception, identity, and prior experience can shape bystander reactions, including whether people speak up. For more info, click here >
Register here >
Postdoc Lunch Social!

Tue Feb 27, 11:30 - 1:00, HST L185
Yes, you need a lunch break! We invite all postdocs to join us for lunch and connect with fellow postdocs. This is a great opportunity to recharge, expand your connections, and ask questions to postdoc office staff in an informal setting. Can't say the whole time? Just drop in, say hello, and take something to go. Register here >
Lunch & Learn #3: Negotiating an Academic Job Offer, Part 2

Fri Jan 26, 10 - 12, HST 140
We’re pleased to announce a second session to continue discussing the job negotiation process. Our panelists are Kristen Jellison, Professor of Civil & Env Engineering and Associate Dean for Faculty Development, and Dominic Packer, Professor of Psychology and Associate Vice Provost for Research. Register here >
NSF Career Proposal Group

Starting Jan 22, 2024
In order to best help faculty and postdocs prepare their NSF Career proposals, the writing group begins in mid-January each year and is scheduled to meet around participants' availability. Participation in the writing group improves funding outcomes through:
- Help with early stage planning;
- Deadlines to keep the work on target; and
- Feedback on drafts.
You do not need to have a draft or absolutely plan to apply this year to participate. Register here >
Inclusive Excellence in Teaching & Learning

Tue Jan 16, 8:30 - 4, Wood Dining Room
Dr. Henry Odi invites the postdoc community to attend the annual Inclusive Excellence in Teaching and Learning Workshop. Open to all tenure-track, teaching faculty, teaching assistants and post-docs, the workshop is designed to help faculty adopt instructional practices that integrate and promote inclusive excellence and a sense of well-being in the classroom. Register here by Friday, December 29th, 2023.
NSF Career Award Workshop

Thu Jan 18, 12-1, HST 140
Join us for a discussion with prior awardees Rosi Reed (Physics), Siddha Pimputkar (Mat Sci), Roberto Palmieri (Comp Sci) and NSF rotator Kate Arrington (Psychology) as they share insights and tips about applying for the NSF Career award. You do not have to be applying for the award this year to attend. Lunch provided. More info here >
Lunch & Learn #2: Negotiating an Academic Job Offer

Tue Nov 28, 12-1:30, HST 211
In this session, we discuss the process of navigating an academic job offer from start to finish: evaluating the offer, what you can and should negotiate for (including how to negotiate for greencard/visa support), and how to do this successfully. RCEAS Senior Associate Dean and Professor John Coulter and Director of International Students and Scholars will share their expertise on this topic. Register here >
CIMER Research Mentor Training

Wednesdays Oct 25 - Dec 6, 2023
The Office of the Provost offers mentorship training to all faculty and postdoctoral fellows who serve as mentors to graduate students and undergraduate students. The mentorship training is based on the work done by the Center for the Improvement of Mentored Experiences in Research (CIMER) at the University of Wisconsin. Complete all six sessions to receive your certificate. Read more here >
Lunch & Learn #1: Interviewing for Faculty Positions

Tue Oct 24, 12-1, HST 211
Join us at the first Postdoc Lunch & Learn session in October for an informal conversation about what to expect in an academic job interview, how to prepare, and more. Assistant Professors Farrah Moazeni (Civil & Env Engineering) and Sarah Borowski (Psychology) will provide tips and share their recent experiences. Lunch is provided. Register here >
Academic Job Application Consults

Sep 22 - Oct 4 by appointment | Virtual
Looking for feedback on your research/teaching statement? This opportunity is open to postdocs across all disciplines. Send us a draft of your job application materials (research, teaching, or diversity statements) in advance and take advantage of a one-on-one consult with Dr. Kate Bullard, Director of Research Development or Dr. Yvonne Lee, Director of Writing Across the Curriculum. Book your appointment here >
National Postdoc Appreciation Week

Week of Sep 18-22
We are celebrating National Postdoc Appreciation Week from September 18-22! Throughout the week, we are hosting several workshops and events in appreciation of our postdoc community. Join us for the Appreciation Reception, Coffee & donuts, free headshots, special promos on campus and from local vendors, and more. Read more here >