• Date of event:Jan 29, 2025
  • Time of event:12 - 2pm
  • Location:
    Barnett House
  • Category:Social networking
Recent dates
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Dear Lehigh Postdocs,

Lehigh PostDoc Association (LPDA) is excited to invite you to Food and Drink Gathering! Let’s kick off the Spring semester by catching up with fellow postdocs, unwinding, and enjoying a delicious lunch!

Image removed. Location: Barnett House, 218 W Packer Ave, Bethlehem, PA 18015
Image removed. Date: Jan 29
Image removed. Time: 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Please let us know if you can join by filling  RSVP Here Google form.

Look forward to seeing and talking to you there!

Best regards,
Lehigh PostDoc Association